"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."

- Nikola Tesla


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Now offering a 21st century energy treatment through
Quantum Frequency Sessions

Bio-energetic scans are a holistic approach that can assist in balancing physical, mental, emotional and psycho-spiritual stress, pain and/or body, imbalances.

Distance sessions run 1 to run and 1.5 hours should you wish to discuss the results. By appointment only. Ongoing appointments can be requested. 

Cost is $111.00 per session. Payment to be received via Venmo, Pay Pal (as family/friends), or a personal check sent in advance of your session. Results are self-explanatory and e-mailed that day. Should you request an additional half-hour phone consult, an additional $50 fee applies.  

What I will need: No later than an hour prior to your session, I will need you to e-mail me your date of birth, birthplace, current residence, your telephone #, e-mail address, and a real time selfie (no glasses). sandycorcoran@hotmail.com. You are welcome to tell me your concern/s, although the scans might advance an alternative theory as to underlying issue/s.

What is involved: At the scheduled time, I will run energetic scans through the quantum field, to determine what your biofield is requesting physically, emotionally and/or psychologically to begin to restore balance. It is helpful for you to have an intention at our set time however, this process works even if you are at work or caring for someone. 

  • The scans identify the top 5 individualized programs your body is in need of receiving. I send those electromagnetic coded applications under all categories contained within those top 5 programs, through the quantum field to your biofield.

  • Additionally, I drill down deeper into the top 2 categories within those 5 programs and send you those defined individual frequencies.

  • I then run a program of your choice: Flower Remedies, Materia Medica, Gems, I-Ching, or a named specific need and send those to your field.

  • Finally, I scan your Aura based on the real time photo you sent.

Sponsorship: You may decide to purchase a Healy device to continue self-healing work on yourself, family, friends, children, or pets. Or you may decide to purchase the advanced practitioner Resonance Program, (which is the only platform of the 4 applications with remote scanning capabilities), to use in support of family, clients, or patients. I am happy to sponsor you.


What is Healy: Healy is a certified wearable Class II medical device. It uses microcurrent frequencies to scan the body and send biofeedback energetically through the quantum field, determined by what your body needs for support, on a cellular level, in real time. What makes Healy a true paradigm shift is the patented quantum sensor within a small wearable device, combined with access to over 133 programs established by Time Waiver physicians globally. 

What is the Quantum Field: Everything in the universe is a field of energy, moving at various frequencies or wave patterns, traveling at the speed of light. 

What is the biofield: a field of life force energy that surrounds and permeates all living things. 

What is Time Waver: Healy is based off Time Waver technology which has been used successfully by doctors, especially in Europe, for many years. Every cell within the body (organs, tissues, joints, etc.) and every dis-ease, is identified by a specific electromagnetic signature. The program applications transport waves into the body’s field, helping restore homeostasis. Programs sent through the quantum field, defined by the scans, can detoxify, nourish, strengthen, and balance the individual’s bioenergetic field and organ systems. Microcurrents and vibrational healing techniques have been documented since the early 1940’s with machines like Rife technology, which is based off the earlier work of Nikola Tesla. 

Who is behind Healy: Healy is the life work of Marcus Schmieke, and other brilliant quantum physicists. It is supported by an expansive global medical advisory board, and is financially backed by conscious capitalists, monks, and world-renowned scientists, whose goal it is to help benefit humanity. The patented programs cover 144,000 applications, are securely protected, and is currently used in 45 countries world-wide.

3-minute Healy explanation

